Sandy Town Council: Youth shelter installation
Date Added: 23/11/2023
The Town Council is supporting the provision for young people in Sandy by replacing our current youth shelter. Our contractor Play and Leisure are just in the final stages of arranging the installation of the Youth Shelter at Bedford Road Recreation Ground which will be carried out w/c 27th November. The company is also installing two anti-dog gates at Fallowfield the same day.
The Youth Shelter will replace the existing shelter in Bedford Road Recreation Ground. The shelter aims to provide teenagers a place to ‘hang’ out and socialise. Youth shelters can help to go some way to providing teenagers and young people with somewhere to be preferable than the street corner. The shelter is an excellent provision for people to observe nearby sports games taking place and play activities. This Shelter can be expanded to provide a meeting place / exercise centre for all ages.
Studies have shown that it is as important for teenagers to socialise with their friends as it is for them to study for their exams, which is why we believe in the importance of providing this facility to the young people of Sandy.