Flood Alert for River Ivel - Be Prepared
Date Added: 18/02/2024
A Flood Alert warning to 'Prepare' has been issued for the River Ivel in Central Bedfordshire.
The alert means that flooding is possible; residents and businesses that are likely to be affected are advised to:
Prepare a bag that includes medicines and insurance documents
Check flood warnings
What to do if you get a flood alert
A flood alert means you need to prepare: flooding is possible.
If you haven’t already done so, you should:
Sign up for flood warnings
Keep up to date with the latest flood risk situation- call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 or follow @EnvAgency and #floodaware on Twitter for the latest flood updates
Have a bag ready with vital items like insurance documents and medications in case you need to leave your home
Check you know how to turn off your gas, electricity and water mains supplies
Pan how you'll move family and pets to safety.
Who to contact locally
Risk to personal safety through flooding:
Fire & Rescue Service: 999
Foods caused by rivers/reservoirs: if a flood is caused by a main river or reservoir, contact The Environment Agency (0800 80 70 60 - lines are open 24 hours a day)
Flooding caused by sewers, water mains or water drains: if the flood is caused by a sewer, a leak from a water main, or a household storm water drain contact your water company:
Anglian Water (0345 7145 145)
Thames Water (0800 316 9800) - their step-by-step guide tells you what to do when a sewer floods
Affinity Water (0345 357 2407)
Roads flooded: Central Bedfordshire Council are responsible for flooding caused by a blockage in the roadside drainage. Report this online or call us on 0300 300 8049
Flooding caused by an ordinary watercourse like a ditch, surface water or groundwater: email [email protected] (this is not a 24 hour emergency contact email address). If you know you are in the Internal Drainage Board (IDB) area (link takes you to view the map of our area) you can call 01234 767995 or email [email protected]
More information can be found on Central Bedfordshire Council's website