Sandy Christmas Lights Switch On
When: 3rd December 2023 - 12:00 to 17:00
Where: Sandy Market Square
Christmas Lights Switch on Event
The communities of Sandy, Beeston and the surrounding area are invited to the Sandy Christmas Lights Switch on event on Sunday 3rd December 2023.
There will be a stage for live entertainment with a band and local schools performing, a Santa’s Grotto, fairground rides, market stalls, hot food sellers, fairy street performer, various other attractions and the Christmas tree and street illuminations which will be switched on at 4.30pm.
Road Closure
Although the festivities are starting at 12.00pm, staff and volunteers will be working in the Market Square, the entrance to Pleasant Place and the town centre end of Cambridge Road all day, to set up and take down all the equipment needed for the event.
We have therefore secured closures for the previously mentioned roads between 8am and 8pm. We would ask that cars or bikes are not left around these areas on the day, or the night before, to help avoid any problems. We hope this event, which is designed for the enjoyment of all the community, will not cause residents too much difficulty.