For many years Sandy Town Council operated a 1.2 acre allotment site at Statford Road which provided up to 48 tenancies of allotment plots of differing sizes.This site was closed in November 2013 because it is required for a planned extension to the cemetery at Potton Road.
Search for a new site
Sandy Town Council wants to provide new and better allotment facilities for the community of Sandy. We have been searching for land for a new allotment site within the parish for the past decade. Local landowners, both private and public, have been approached and the Town Council has been working with several external agencies to facilitate this search. Sadly, so far neither a permanent nor a temporary site which is suitable has been found. The Town Clerk welcomes approaches from local landowners who may wish to lease or sell suitable land for this purpose.
The Council is currently working with Central Bedfordshire Council to take responsibility of a plot of community land in Beeston which will be used to provide a community orchard and some allotment plots.
Waiting List
Meanwhile the Town Council will maintain a list of all those people who would like to take up allotment gardening in the hope that a new site is secured in the near future. We want to be able to prove that we have a strong demand for allotment gardens. Please contact the Council if you would like to add your name to the list.