About the Mayor
The Town Mayor of Sandy is Cllr Joanna Hewitt
You can contact her at: [email protected] or by ringing 01767 681491.
The Town Mayor is elected annually by members of Sandy Town Council at its Annual Town Council meeting which is held in May. The Town Mayor holds office until immediately after the election of the Town Mayor at the next annual meeting of the council even though she may not have been re-elected as a councillor. The Town Mayor is supported by a Deputy Mayor who steps in on her behalf in the event of his absence. The Deputy Mayor is Cllr Paul Sharman.
The Town Mayor has two roles: she is Chairman of the Town Council and Civic Ambassador for the town.
Chairman of the Town Council
As Chairman the Mayor's duties are prescribed by the relevant local government legislation:
She may convene a meeting of the council at any time and she may also be required to call a meeting at the request of councillors
She has a casting vote at meetings. The Mayor votes like any other councillor but if there is an equality of votes she can use a second casting vote. Apart from this the Mayor does not make decisions for the council which is a corporate body with collective responsibility
If the Town Mayor is present at a full meeting of the Town Council she must preside and is responsible for ensuring that meetings are properly conducted. This includes involving all councillors, ensuring discussion is kept to the point, summarising debates and facilitating the resolving of clear decisions.
Ambassador for Sandy
In her role as Civic Ambassador, the Town Mayor is the public face of the council and civic representative of the town of Sandy. She attends many community events especially those organised by local charity and volunteer groups such as fundraising events, AGMs and special meetings. The Mayor also attends some civic functions such as the High Sheriff's Civic Service and may represent Sandy at events organised by other councils in the area. The Mayor is always pleased to receive invitations especially to local events however small and to meet representatives of local groups in Sandy. Please contact the Town Council office for more information.
Mayor's Awards for Services to the Community
The Mayor makes an annual award for community service and this is determined by the Mayor with a panel of councillors to assist. There is a senior award for adults and a young persons award. In 2014 for the first time an award was presented to a group of people who had contributed to the well-being of the community. The awards recognise outstanding contributions to the communtiy and are presented at the Annual Town Meeting. Details of the nomination process are published on this website towards the end of the council year and nomination forms can be found in the Downloads section of this website.
Mayor of Sandy's Charity Fund
The Mayor is responsible for the Mayor’s Charity Fund. This is entirely separate from the Town Council’s funds and monies raised are distributed to charities. Each Mayor nominates specific charities for the year and decides on the various fund raising activities which will take place.
Mayoral Chain of Office
Sandy Town Mayor wears a chain of office worn on official occasions, the chain was purchased in 1988 and is inscribed with the names of former Town Mayors. The medallion on the chain shows the council crest.
If you would like to contact the Mayor her email address is: [email protected]