Annual Report and Accounts
Every year the Town Council produces an annual report which describes its activities over the preceding 12 months. You can download these reports below. Printed copies of the current report are available from the Town Council offices.
The Town Mayor also hosts an annual town meeting at which a report about the Town Council's activities is given. This meeting is held in April or May and is open to all members of the community.
The accounting year runs from 1 April to 31 March. Sandy Town Council publishes its accounts as soon as possible after the financial year end and before they have been audited.
The Council is required to report on its financial arrangements in its annual governance statement. This statement together with the annual accounts and return is submitted to our external auditors for inspection. Details of the arrangements for the annual audit are published on council notice boards and on this website on an annual basis.
Sandy Town Council's current internal auditors are:
HW Chartered Accountants
136/140 Bedford Road
Bedford MK42 8BH
Sandy Town Council's external auditors are appointed by central government. The current external auditors are:
Mazars LLP
Salvus House
Aykley Head