What to do after flooding
Date Added: 30/09/2024
The information below is from Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC) to residents and ll who have been affected by the recents floods in Sandy.
Key contact numbers
• If you are, or know of, a vulnerable resident who needs assistance – 0300 300 8500
• If you require urgent Adult Social Care assistance – 0300 300 8303 (in hours) or 0300 300 8123
(out of hours)
• If you have been made homeless or need housing advice – 0300 300 4370
• If you are a Council house tenant and have property damage – 0800 074 0263
• If you need practical help from volunteers in cleaning up – 0300 300 8500
• If you need to report an urgent problem with a road, gully, drain, or fallen tree – 0300 300 8049
(This line may be very busy. In case of danger to life or injury, contact the Fire Service – 999)
• If your road has significant mud, silt or debris that requires removal – 0300 300 8500
• For a sewerage related issues you need to contact your Water Provider, in Central Bedfordshire
this will usually be Anglian Water - 03457 145 145
If you or someone you know has been flooded, Email as much detail as possible to [email protected]. If you cannot email, call 0300 300 8500. This helps CBC understand how many residents have been impacted by flooding and how badly.
Emotional support
Experiencing flooding can be stressful and upsetting. It's important to look after your wellbeing.
• Samaritans (www.samaritans.org) are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year: 116 123
• MIND-BLMK is a local mental health charity: 0300 330 0648, [email protected]
• Shout is a free, confidential text service for those struggling to cope. Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 (24/7)
Be prepared
If your property has flooded at least once, then it could happen again.
• Take action to help protect your property for the future: www.gov.uk/prepare-for-flooding
• FloodRe (www.floodre.co.uk) addresses the challenges faced by homeowners in high-risk flood
areas, working with insurers to assist more properties to be protected.
Visit www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/flooding-recovery for more infromation.