New Embankment Slide to be Installed at Bedford Road Recreation Ground
Date Added: 19/11/2024
The 20-year-old embankment slide at the Bedford Road Recreation Ground in Sandy which was removed in September 2024 is to be replaced with a new double width slide. This decision was made by the Town Council’s Community Services and Environment (CSE) Committee after our annual play equipment safety check showed the equipment was beyond repair.
The cost of replacement is nearly £12,000 and is scheduled to be installed in the week commencing Monday 2nd December 2024 by Proludic Ltd. The Mayor of Sandy, Cllr Joanna Hewitt, the Chairman of the CSE Committee, Cllr Susan Sutton and Cllr Susannah Baker, Chairman of the Playground Provision Working Group said; “We welcome the installation of a double width slide for the enjoyment of all children aged up to 12 years old. The Council is committed to providing play equipment that is inclusive so that our playgrounds can be enjoyed by everyone”.
The Town Council would like to thank parents, guardians and children for their patience and consideration as the Recreation Ground has been missing a well-loved piece of equipment for the past few months.
We encourage the public to take care of all public property as the Council plays its part by regularly maintaining them.