Latest news from Biggleswade Library
Date Added: 17/10/2022
As October half term is just around the corner, our team at Biggleswade have been working on some spooktacular activities for all the family to enjoy. Why not come along and give them a try.
October Half Term Activities
Spooky fun for all the family at the library this half term:
Saturday 22 October from 11am to 3pm: 3D Pumpkin Crafts
Tuesday 25 October from 11am to 3pm: I love Autumn Tree
Wednesday 26 October from 11am to 3pm: Hand Hedgehog Craft
Thursday 27 October from 11am to 3pm: Spider Hat Craft
Friday 28 October from 11am to 3pm: Flying Bats and Autumn Window Decorations
Saturday 29 October from 11am to 3pm: Pumpkin Window Decoration
What else is on during the week....
Also available during this week:
Lego Club: Wednesday 26 October and Friday 28 October at 4pm
Baby rhyme time: Tuesday 25 October at 2.30pm
Rhyme time: Wednesday 26 October at 10am