Central Bedfordshire Council: Book of the Month
Date Added: 01/11/2022
Next of Kin by Kia Abdullah
Leila Syed receives a call that cleaves her life in two. Her brother-in-law's voice is filled with panic. His son's nursery have called to ask where little Max is. Leila was supposed to drop Max off that morning. But she forgot. Racing to the carpark, she grasps the horror of what she has done. Max has been locked in her car for several hours on the hottest day of the year. But she's too late. What follows is an explosive, high-profile trial that will tear the family apart. But as the case progresses it becomes clear there's more to this incident than meets the eye.
Our book of the month is Next of Kin by Kia Abdullah, a gripping courtroom thriller, and winner of the best adult book in the Diverse Book Awards 2022. You can find and request your copy on our library catalogue, Arena, free of charge, or on e-book on Libby. Not a member? You can join online here. Forgotten your PIN? Get it sent to you here.